0 None
1 V.42bis
80 MNP5™
Table 3-12. callCleared codes from 3.6.4/V.58-1994
Value Description Notes
0 CauseUnidentified Call setup issues
1 No Previous call Not in V.58
2 Call is still in progress Not in V.58
3 Call Waiting signal detected Not in V.58, only if modem can detect it
4 Delayed Same as value 2A,
19 InactivityTimerExpired
1F cct108isOffInhibitsDial DTR low
20 cct108turnedOff DTR drop
29 BlacklistedNumber
2A CallAttemptsLimitExceeded Same as “Delayed”, see ETS 300 001
2B ExtensionPhoneOffHook If extension detection supported
2C CallSetupFailTimerExpired e.g., S7 timeout
2D IncomingCallDetected If incoming call while sending dial
2E LoopCurrentInterrupted
2F NoDialTone
31 ReorderTone Fast busy
33 EngagedTone Busy
34 LongSpaceDisconnect And if modem program to abort on long
3C CarrierLost Signal Converter
3D TrainingFailed
3E NoModulationinCommon
3F RetrainFailed
40 RetrainAttemptCountExceeded
41 GstnCleardownReceived
42 FaxDetected If this was not a fax call attempt
46 InTestMode Test
50 AnyKeyAbort Call Control
51 DteHangupCommand If ATH was used to terminate the previous call.
52 DteResetCommand If ATZ was used to terminate the previous call.
5A FrameReject Error Control
5B NoErrorControlEstablished Error control was required
5C ProtocolViolation
5D n400exceeded LAPM retransmission Count Timer
5E NegotiationFailed
5F DisconnectFrameReceived
60 SabmeFrameReceived
64 LossOfSynchronization Data Compression
Example Modem Response and Usage
Example #UD commend response are shown in Table 3-13.
Table 3-13. Completed Data Call, with Some Errors and Rate Retrain during the Call
Modem Response line Description
DIAG <2A4D3263 0=09> This is version 0.9
DIAG <2A4D3263 1=06 2=0 3=0> Data Answer signal detected; Data only;
Character async
DIAG <2A4D3263 5=”C14513902A”
V.8 Call Menu indicates:
V.8 Joint Menu selects:
DIAG <2A4D3263 10=1F 11=0C 12=52> Receive level = -31 dBm; transmit level = -12
dBm; noise level = -82 dBm
DIAG <2A4D3263 14=03 15=05 16=10> Far end echo delay in milliseconds; Far end
echo loss in dB; Near end echo loss = 16 dB
DIAG <2A4D3263 20=C 22=780 24=0C80 26=79E0>
Transmitter: V.34 training completed; V.34
carrier frequency = 1920; V.34 symbol rate =
3200; initial transmit rate is 31200 bit/s
DIAG <2A4D3263 21=D 25=1F40 27=DAC0> Receiver: V.90 training completed; V.90 symbol
rate = 8000; initial receive rate is 56000 bit/s
DIAG <2A4D3263 30=00 31=03 32=01 33=01>