ASCII Protocol
Example: ^R2,1^M
(Level 1, F2)
Explanation: Read 1 Tag starting with tag 2. Tag 2 is DM0002, which is assigned to the Word Button.
The initial reading of the Word Button should be 0.
Data returned from the display: ^R0^M
Note: Press the Word button on the display and watch the Data Display assigned to the Word Button
increment by 5. Send the read command again and the value returned should be 5.
Example: ^R6,1^M
(Level 2, F1)
Explanation: Read 1 Tag starting with tag 6. Tag 6 is DM0006, which is assigned to the Numeric Data
Entry button. The initial reading of the should be 0.
Data returned from the display: ^R0^M
Note: Push the Numeric Data Entry button on the display and a keypad screen will appear. Enter a new
number and press DONE. The Numeric Data Entry will display the new value. Send the read command
again and the new value will be returned. You can also write a value to the tag for the Numeric Data
Entry. (Use Level 2, F2 Function key)
Write Command:
The write command is used to write 1 or more integers and only 1 string at a time to the QP2. The write
command can also be used to NULL out strings and Zero out integers.
Format: (^V)(Variable ID number)(,)(Value 1)(,)(Value 2)(,) ... (Value N)(^M)
Example: ^V3,1^M
(Level 1, F3)
Explanation: Write to Tag 3 a value of 1. Tag 3 is DM0003, which is assigned to a Pilot Light.
Results: Setting Tag 3 to 1 will turn the Pilot Light ON.
Example: ^V3,0^M
(Level 1, F4)
Results: Setting Tag 3 to 0 will turn the Pilot Light OFF.
Example: ^V4,2^M
(Level 1, F5)
Explanation: Write to Tag 4 a value of 2. Tag 4 is DM0004, which is assigned to a Local Message
Display. The initial state of the display will be state 0.
Results: Setting Tag 4 to a value of 2 will display state 2.
Example: ^V4,0^M
(Level 1, F6)
Results: Setting Tag 4 to a value of 0 will display state 0.
Example: ^V5,9999^M
(Level 1, F7)
Explanation: Write to Tag 5 a value of 9999. Tag 4 is DM0005, which is assigned to a Numeric
Display. The initial state of the display will be state 0.
Results: Setting Tag 5 to a value of 999 will cause the Numeric Display to show 9999.