The most important advantages of PROFIBUS in comparison with other fieldbuses are the stable
international standard EN 50 170 and the universal features covering a wide range of applications in
manufacturing, process and building automation. Open and vendor independent communication with
PROFIBUS is not just a vision. Its success has been demonstrated in over 100,000 applications.
Independent market studies confirm that PROFIBUS with its market share of more than 40% leads the
market for open industrial fieldbus systems in Germany and Europe.
Leading manufacturers of automation technology stand behind PROFIBUS with all their know how and
offer a wide range of innovative products and services which are listed and continuously updated in the
PROFIBUS product guide. The PROFIBUS product guide is available free of charge from the offices
of the PROFIBUS User Organization. A complete technical description of PROFIBUS can be found at
the Internet site listed below.
The PROFIBUS User Organization can be viewed on the Internet under:
The drawing shows the setup dialog box for Profibus Protocol. Click the Configure I/O button to select
the number of Input and Output words.