;TeminalName is any string, the DH+ name assigned to the SD2 terminal.
The Sutherland and Shultz DH+ card requires an address segment from C800 to CFFF. This is handled
by a command line in the CONFIG.SYS file. For example:
If you are running Windows 95, you can reserve resources by opening the Control
Panel\System\Device Manager\Properties\Reserve Resources. Click the Memory button. Add C8000-
CFFFF to Settings.
Before the Pass Through operation will work with a unit on the Remote I/O network, a new executable
file, and an application file containing the Pass Through Remote I/O setup information must be
downloaded to the QuickPanel using the standard serial download. All subsequent downloads can then
use the pass through feature on the Remote I/O network.
To change the Rack/Group/Slot assignment for pass through, a new application file must be
downloaded to the display using serial download.
To upgrade or reload the device executable, you must use serial download.
Critical faults during a download may require a new device executable file and application file be
loaded into the display using serial download.