Protocol Button
Click the Protocol button to display the dialog box associated with the selected PLC.
The following dialog box represents one full rack of I/O. Note the two list boxes at the top of the AB
Remote I/O dialog box. Note also that all rack sections are in the Observe mode. To view other racks,
click the Next Rack and Previous Rack buttons located at the bottom of the dialog box.
Select the PLC Model from the list box located at the top of the AB Remote I/O dialog box. Different
PLC models have different rack addressing ranges. In some cases, a PLC can address only four racks.
You should be aware of the limitations of your PLC and the configuration of the Remote I/O before
attempting to configure the Remote I/O in the target display. In some instances, a dialog box will
display all available racks, even though your configuration limits their access. The PLC models shown
in the list box cover a broad range of rack options available for that family. A sample PLC model list is
shown below.
Select the Baud rate for the Remote I/O network. This selection must match that of the intended
Early versions of the QPI-ABR-001 RIO modules are not capable of operating at 230K Baud.
To retain the data values of inputs and Block Transfer Reads (BTR), click the checkbox for Retain
PLC Memory Values. The data retention feature is available ONLY for QPI-ABR-201 and QPJ-ABR-
201 Remote I/O modules. If the box is not checked, all data values will be set to 0 when power is
Before you click any more buttons or check boxes, read the sections concerning Observation mode and
Emulation mode.