ASCII Flex Protocol
Global Parameters
The following parameter are global which can be set in the Setup.
Does Controller Echo Commands
Does Controller Echo Commands is a character data entry field which will except a Y or N character.
Some terminal protocols echo the characters being sent to the controller back to the Quick Panel.
Set the option to Y if the controller sends an echo and N if it does not send an echo. The default
setting is Yes.
Does Controller Echo XON/XOFF
Does Controller Echo XON/XOFF is a character data entry field which will except a Y or N character.
Some terminal protocols echo the XON/XOFF characters being sent to the controller back to the
Quick Panel. Set the option to Y if the controller echoes the XON/XOFF characters and N if it
does not echo those characters. The default setting is Yes.
Generate Error Code for Invalid Message
An error occurs when a command received from the controller is not recognized. The entry in this
field has no effect on the other error codes that can be displayed. Generate Error Code for Invalid
Message is a data entry field which can take a "Y" or a "N". If "N" is in the field then commands
from the controller which are not recognized will not trigger an error code to be displayed. If "Y" is
in the field then commands from the controller which are not recognized will trigger an error code to be
displayed. The default setting is Yes.
Invalid Message Destination
Invalid Message Destination is a data entry field which will only take a DM register as valid data. The
DM register will be used to display a command received from the controller which was not recognized.
The DM register will have to be a string type. The user will have to create the Text Display Message
for the DM.