Send Global Data
Reference Address
The QuickPanel send data table will be sent to this starting point PLC variable. If no global data is
being broadcast from the QuickPanel to the PLC leave this selection blank.
Valid PLC variable address
Series 6 - %R
Series 90/XX - %AI, %AQ, %I, %Q, %G, %R
The number of words (%AI, %AQ, %R in single increments 1 through 64) or the number of bits (%I,
%Q, %G, in multiples of 8, 8 through 1024).
Enable Datagrams
If no global data is being broadcast by the PLC than datagrams must be enabled to read panel tag
variables from the PLC. If global data is being sent by the PLC, datagrams can be enabled to read panel
tag variables that are not part of the global data receive table in the QuickPanel. All QuickPanel tag
variables will be updated from the global data receive table unless they are not included within the
table, then a datagram will be sent to the PLC to obtain the status of the tag variable.
Receive Global Data
Reference address
The PLC data table will be received in the QuickPanel at this staring address. If no global data is being
broadcast by the PLC to the QuickPanel leave this selection blank.
Valid PLC variable address
Series 6 - %R
Series 90/XX - %AI, %AQ, %I, %Q, %G, %R
The number of words (%AI, %AQ, %R in single increments 1 through 64) or the number of bits (%I,
%Q, %G, in multiples of 8, 8 through 1024).
Reference address check
When this is enabled the QuickPanel will check and verify that the PLC ID # sending the global data
matches the GE Device ID # configured in this dialog box. It will also check that the length of the data
sent to the QuickPanel matches the length defined in the receive data table length. If these do not match
an error code will be generated and displayed on the QuickPanel.
Click OK to return to the Project Setup dialog box.