ASCII Flex Protocol
The next association is for RL1, which is assigned to the Push Button. RL1 is associated with the
sequence Push Button #1 for a Button Press. When the push button is pressed, the sequence defined by
Push Button #1 is executed. The sequence sends out a command string.
Note: It is recommended that you use the Register Long (RLxxxx) register with a Momentary Push
Button. The RL register supports bit types. If the RL is used with Momentary Push Button a sequence
can be executed on the Press and another sequence can be executed on the Release. If you must use an
RF or RA with a Push Button, then the ON button can be used if you want the Sequence to go out on
The next association is for RL2, which is assigned to a Numeric Data Display. Note that RL2 is
associated with Data Display in the Poll list. That means RL2 will be automatically updated. Each time
RL2 comes up in the poll list, the sequence defined by Data Display will be executed. The sequence
sends out a command string and waits for a formatted reply.
Click OK to close the Associate Sequences dialog box. Click OK to close the Flex String Protocol
dialog box. Close the Setup dialog box. Click the download button to load the project into your QPx-2