ASCII Protocol
Writing Text Characters
The Text Display operator is used to display text characters or messages.
The tag variable selected for the Text Display operator MUST be changed to a STRING type.
Set the SIZE to the number of characters for the Text Display buffer. If you want to display 20
characters, set SIZE to 20. (The LENGTH field in the Text Format setting dialog is not used)
The format for the command to write to a text variable is:
(^V) (Variable ID number) (,) (text message) (^M)
Example: ^V0,TEXT^M
Setting the Time and Date
The format for the command to set the time and date is:
(^L) (mo,dd,yy,hh,mm,ss) (^M)
(^L) is the combination of the CTRL key and the L key pressed together. This key combination
produces a code equivalent to 0C hex or 12 decimal. The format of the date is the standard month, day,
and year string, with "mo" the month, "dd" the day, and "yy" the year. The format for the time is the 24
hour clock, with "hh" the hours, "mm" the minutes and "ss" the seconds. (^M) is a CARRIAGE
RETURN which indicates the end of the ASCII string. A CARRIAGE RETURN code is equivalent to
0D hex or 13 decimal.
The format for writing the time and date is:
(Date = 7/14/94, Time = 2:55:00