ASCII Flex Protocol
Error Message Destination
Error Message Destination from figure 1 is a data entry field which will only take a DM register as
valid data. This DM register will be setup up as a text field. Internal Error Messages will be placed in
the DM register.
Poll Delay
The Poll Delay is a numeric data entry field. The data should be entered in milliseconds. It is the
time the operating system waits between executing the sequences for the DM registers of the current
screen. The range is 0-10000.
Send Delay
Send Delay is a numeric data entry field. The data should be entered in milliseconds. All Send
Commands in Sequences will wait this amount of time before the command is sent. The range is 0-
10000 with the default set to 0.
Reply Time Out
Reply Time Out is a numeric data entry field. The data should be entered in seconds. It is the time
that Quick Panel will wait for a response from the controller. If the time allotted has expired, then an
error could be displayed. The range is 0-60, with a default of 3.
Prompt Characters
Prompt Characters is a character data entry field which will except 1 or more characters. The
character(s) entered should be the characters used for the prompt. If the protocol has no prompt
character nothing should be entered. The limit for this field is 5 printable characters.
End of Packet Char
End of Packet Char is a data entry field which will take 1 character. The character will be used to
determine where the end of a Receive or Unsolicited Receive Command is located. It will be used for
all Receive and Unsolicited Receive Commands. Any character can be used and the default is 13
(carriage return). This field must have an entry.
Initialization Sequence
Initialization Sequence from figure 1 is a data entry field which will only except Sequence Label has
valid data. The Sequence will be executed during the initialization stage of the Quick Panel. It can be
used to send a Carriage Return to the controller, to let the Controller know that the Quick Panel is
ready to communicate. Any valid sequence can be used.