Rockwell Automation Publication 1444-UM001D-EN-P - June 2018
Operate the Module
Chapter 10
Dynamic Alignment:
• Each Relay is assigned an Alarm Status:
– If the Relay is enabled and references a Voted Alarm Output, then it
associates with the Alarm Status that is associated with the Voted
Alarm Output.
– If the Relay is enabled and configured to actuate (only) on Fault, then
it is assigned a unique Alarm Status. In this case, the Voted Alarm
Instance indicated is 14 (VotedAlarmInstance0-3 = “1111” - 1).
– If the Relay is not enabled, then an Alarm Status is reserved for it.
– Alarm Status 0 is always allocated to, or reserved for use with, the
main module relay (relay #0).
– If one or more Expansion Relay modules are defined, then Alarm
Status instances are allocated as follows:
First Expansion Relay Module: Alarm Statuses 1 … 4
Second Expansion Relay Module: Alarm Statuses 5 … 8
Third Expansion Relay Module: Alarm Statuses 9 … 12
• Each enabled output of a Voted Alarm, including Alert, Danger and
Transducer Fault, are allocated a unique Alarm Status.
• If there are more outputs that are defined than there are Alarm Statuses
(13), then any unallocated voted alarm outputs are ignored.
– The AOP does not allow configurations that specify use of greater
than 13 Alarm Status instances.
– This possibility is why Dynamic Alignment prioritizes assigning an
Alarm Status to relays, even if not used. This assignment makes sure
that any relay is managed.
The following tables illustrate how Dynamic and Static alignment affects
Alarm Status assignments for various configurations.