Rockwell Automation Publication 1444-UM001D-EN-P - June 2018
Configure Alarms
The Dynamix™ 1444 Series 1444-DYN04-01RA dynamic measurement
module includes a sophisticated alarming system. This alarming system can
meet the alarm detection, voting, and relay management requirements of any
application that monitors alarm conditions. Three linked elements define the
alarm system: measurement alarms, voted alarms, and relays.
Alarm System Overview
The Alarm System comprises configurable Measurement Alarms, Voted
Alarms and Relays, and their associated Alarm Statuses. The number of each
and their associations are as follows:
Element Quantity
Measurement Alarm
• Each measurement alarm can be
associated with any number of
voted alarms.
• Measurement alarms are used as input to voted alarms and are evaluated only when
a voted alarm that references it is evaluated.
• Because voted alarms manage setpoint multiply and gating controls, it is possible to
configure one measurement alarm that is applied to multiple voted alarms. This
alarm, when evaluated, can indicate in-alarm to one voted alarm and not in-alarm
to another voted alarm.
• Measurement alarm status is available only indirectly, via an associated voted alarm
Voted Alarm
• Each voted alarm can reference
1…4 measurement alarms.
• Each voted alarm can be associated
with any number of relays.
• When Alarm Alignment (Module Definition, General page) is configured as Dynamic
(default), one Voted Alarm can define outputs for any or all of Alert, Danger and
Transducer Fault.
• If Alarm Alignment is configured as Static, then a Voted Alarm can specify only one
output - Alert, Danger, or Transducer Fault.
• Voted Alarm status is provided for each enabled output by an Alarm Status (see
Alarm Status Alignment on page 212