The My Teamwork Plug-in for Sametime
Installing My Teamwork for IBM® Lotus® Sametime®
8AL90213USAC ed 01
September 12, 2008
B - 2 7
The My Teamwork Plug-in for Sametime
The My Teamwork Plugin for Sametime is an extension to the IBM Sametime Connect
Client. You must install the plugin into an IBM Lotus Sametime Connect Client.
There are two ways to install the My Teamwork Plugin.
Automatic install on your Sametime server for all Sametime Connect Clients
Manual install using the Eclipse Update Manager
MyTeamworkSetup.exe installation
To install the plugin you need the My Teamwork Plugin Installation files distributed in the
executable file
. This setup file contains all the required Eclipse
features to install the My Teamwork plugin.
will install the files into the html folder of your Sametime
server. The html folder for Domino Servers is located in the
your Sametime server.
To configure for automatic installation
The advantage of the automatic installation is that all clients will have the plugin the next
time they connect to the Sametime server. This also ensures that all Sametime users will
have the same version of the plugin. There is no need for these users to configure an
update site.
To enable a Sametime connect update site, install the Sametime plugin on your sametime
web server as described in
“MyTeamworkSetup.exe installation” (p. B-27)
Open the
from a Notes Client. The
is an administration Notes
database on your Sametime server.