Io IP Transport, Capture, Display v16.2r1 55
Because of the complexity of setting up IP configurations for ST 2110 operation,
IT experts at your facility may have created a set of files you can use for quick
and easy Io IP re-configuration. A shared network location or other method
may also be established to hold these files, to ensure easy access to the correct
configuration files for various workflows.
AJA Control Panel s2110 Firmware Follow Input Settings
The correct setting of AJA's Control Panel application's "Follow Input" parameter
is required, depending on the type of transport:
Follow Input
should be On for HD/SD SDPs.
Follow Input
should be Off for script to script configurations. The frame rate
will need to be manually set.
Follow Input
should be Off for 4K/UltraHD SDP's, which will maintain the
board in 4K/UltraHD operation.
AJA Device s2110 Presets and Resets
Control Panel user defined Presets save and restore the video state and video
options currently set in Control Panel. IP parameters are not included. Use
exported scripts to save IP parameters.
The Control Panel "Reset Device" button reset clears all IP settings and puts the
device back to fresh state. This is recommended when setting up a new script or
generating a new set of parameters, but is not required.
IP Config Status Tab
The Control Panel screens available with s2110 firmware are similar to those
with s2022 firmware. The IP Config screen parameters are arranged differently,
however, with three tabs.