FS-HDR Frame Synchronizer/Converter/HDR-WCG Processor v1.0r1 60 www.aja.com
1 Output Frame Rate
This parameter selects the system output video frame rate family associated with
the video standard.
59/29/23 (default)
Selects the desired output frame rate family.
NOTE: Changing the Output Frame Rate selection automatically selects a new value for
. Each Frame Rates selection remembers its own
Output Format settings.
2 Genlock Source
This parameter selects the source of reference video used for genlock, either
automatically or explicitly.
Reference (default)
Free run
Use the signal on the
connector as the genlock source.
Free run mode (FS-HDR syncs to its own timebase, not locked to an
external source)
Use the selected SDI input signal as the genlock source.
3.1 Mon 2K Crop
This parameter selects whether to crop 2K HDMI monitor output rasters to 1920
wide (and has no effect on the SDI monitor output).
Off (default)
No cropping occurs on the Monitor Outputs.
Left and right sides of the Monitor Outputs are cropped to 1920.
3.2 HDMI RGB Range
This parameter selects the output range for the HDMI monitor output (and has no
effect on the SDI monitor output). Full allows a range of 0-255 and SMPTE limits
the range to 16 to 235 (see note for details).
Full (default)
Selects an HDMI output range of 0-255.
Selects an HDMI output range of 16-235.
3.3 Monitor Map
(Single Ch only) This parameter selects which Video Processor output will be sent
to the Monitor output. The same video and embedded audio is sent to both the
BNC and HDMI connectors.
VID1 Output (default)
VID2 Output
VID3 Output
VID4 Output
Selects which Video Processor’s output appears on the Monitor