Scholar V Installation & Startup Manual 07/2016 New
G. Applications using duct work should be designed and installed in accordance with
the current edition of the National Fire Protection Association codes and standards
90A and 90B. The duct system must be engineered to insure sufficient air flow
through the unit to prevent over-heating of the heater element. This includes proper
supply duct sizing, sufficient quantity of supply registers, adequate return and filter
area. Ductwork must be of correct material and must be properly insulated. The duct
work must be constructed of galvanized steel with a minimum thickness of .019.
Ductwork must be firmly attached, secured and sealed to prevent air leakage. Do not
use duct liner on inside of supply duct within four feet of the unit.
H. Galvanized metal duct extensions should be used to simplify connections to
ductwork and grilles. Use fabric boots to prevent the transmission of vibration
through the duct system. The fabric must be U.L. rated to a minimum of 197°F.
I. Install the outdoor louver/collar assembly to the outdoor side of the wall opening.
The louver/collar assembly may be fastened to the air box (or air box extension) as
described in the instructions for outdoor louvers/collars. The louver must be installed
with the blades pointing downward on the outside and the louver and the collar must
be water sealed to the outside wall surface with the appropriate caulking material.
See the instructions that come with the outdoor louver for installation details or see
Appendix F at the end of this manual.
Weather Panels are field supplied and do not come with the Scholar V heat pump
or air conditioner. If a weather panel covers the wall opening described in Figure 4,
remove the weather panel prior to installing the unit into the wall opening.
K. After measuring for correct locations of power/control wiring entry, condensate drain
line, and the appropriate wet heat lines, remove the appropriate knock-out access
ports from the cabinet. Be sure they align with the rough-in points for the noted
pipes and wires. Be sure electrical, condensate and wet heat piping will not cause
interference or be damaged by sliding the Scholar V heat pump or air conditioner
into place.
If the heat pump or air conditioner is to fit flush against the inside of the exterior
wall, cut to length, strips of open cell polyurethane foam 1” wide by 1/2” thick with
adhesive backing, field supplied, on one side. his may be applied to the back of
the heat pump and plenum along and flush with the two vertical and top horizontal
edges. These strips will provide a finished appearance to the wall/heat pump
interface and provide a seal between the equipment and wall. If the heat pump or
air conditioner is applied with a side against a wall (in a corner), use the same strip
material on the end panel along the side vertical edge.
M. Prior to sliding the Scholar V heat pump or air conditioner into the wall opening,
check to be sure that the floor surface is hard, smooth and level (concrete, wood,
vinyl tile or the equivalent). If the floor is carpeted, cut out an appropriate “footprint”
based on the Figure 5 drawings and the location of the unit relative to the inside
finished wall (flush or offset). Be sure the surface is level or provisions are made to
level the unit upon installation.