Repeat mounting steps for other servos so that
all three aileron servos are mounted in bottom
of wing as shown.
Servo output shaft should face towards the
Aileron Control Linkage Installation
1. Gather the aileron control linkage parts as shown
below. There are (3) 4-40 pushrods, (6) 4-40
ball link assemblies, (3) brass spacers, (3) left
and (3) right side control horns, and (18) wood
screws for each wing panel.
There is also included a
tube for
reinforcing the pushrod (
not pictured
). This
will be installed during a later step.
Assemble three pushrod and control horn
assemblies as shown. The ball link goes
between the left and right sides of the control
horn sides and is secured with a nylon lock nut.
: The ball link for the root end
control horn goes in the bottom hole of the
horn. The ball link for the middle horn goes in
the center hole of the horn. The ball link for the
tip end horn goes in the top hole of the horn.
This gives the correct offset to eliminate bind-
ing and twisting of the aileron.
It will still be necessary to either program or
use a after market type
Match Box
system to
assure your servos will not bind or fight against
each other.
Correct installation of ball link and brass spacer
to servo arm shown below.
Improperly installed servo linkages can cause ser-
vos to strip and ailerons to flutter. Aileron flutter
can and will destroy your model instantly!