Version V1.0
9-99 MTN
All Contents © Copyright 1999
Instructions for Final Assembly
The Skyraider was designed to be a replacement for the naval dive bombers that were in use in the
1940's. It was felt that one aircraft could be designed that would be able to fill that role and much more,
and that reducing the crew to a single pilot would result in weight savings and speed increases, both
factors that would enable the aircraft to carry more ordinance more effectively.
This was exactly what happened when the prototype was first flown on March 18, 1945. The
Skyraider was a single seat ground attack aircraft. It carried two 20mm cannons and up to 6000lbs. of
externally stored weapons. The Skyraider was powered by one Wright Cyclone radial engine producing
2400 horsepower. Because of it's successes in the later parts of the Vietnam war and throughout the
Korean war, the U.S. Navy called the Skyraider "the best and most effective close support airplane in
the world."
Now you too can experience the same feeling with your new Global Skyraider ARF. The Global
Skyraider is built by master craftsmen, utilizing the finest grades of balsa, light ply, foam and fiberglass.
It's covered using heat shrink polyester material, just like you would buy at your local hobby shop.
Want to install retracts into your new Skyraider? We've already installed the hardwood rails, cut out
the wheel wells and strut channels to make it as easy as possible. Don't want to install retracts?
We've provided all the necessary hardware to install fixed main gear. In fact, we've provided all of the
hardware to finish the Skyraider. Fuel tank, wheels, pushrods, pull-pull cables, clevises and much
more. It's all in the kit. Don't worry about trying to find an aftermarket fiberglass cowl either. We've
provided a one piece fiberglass cowl that's even prepainted to match the covering! With this kind of
quality prefabrication, you'll be in the air and strafing ground targets in no time!
4 0 - 4 6 S i z e S t a n d - o f f S c a l e A . R . F.