Plug the Y harness into the female end of the
48” extension and secure the servo connectors
with safety wire, string, tape, or other method.
Ensure the connectors will not come apart
from vibration or light tension.
Plug the elevator servo extension into the re-
ceiver and turn on. Ensure each servo is cen-
tered and the servo arm is parallel to the eleva-
tor hinge line. Adjust the length of the push-
rods so that the elevator is in the neutral posi-
tion when the servo arm is parallel to the ele-
vator hinge line. A 1 1/2” servo arm is recom-
mended to achieve full deflection of the eleva-
tor bevel.
16. Ensure the servos do not bind at center or either
end point at full deflection. Take advantage of
servo programmers and match boxes available
today to achieve best results. This will help
keep servos from binding and causing possible
elevator flutter.
Carbon Reinforcement Tube
1. Gather
carbon tube for
reinforcing the elevator pushrods.
Align the left and right sides of the control
horns to the mounting holes and mount using
six wood screws as shown.
Wrap masking tape around carbon tube for
marking the cut location.