Aeroworks 30cc Laser 200 Assembly Manual
Accessories Available From Aeroworks
For more information or to order accessories visit our website: WWW.AERO-WORKS.NET
Custom Plane Cover
Protect your 30cc Laser 200 from the harsh summer sun
with this custom plane cover. Made out of UV resistant
material the custom cover will help protect the covering
and keep wrinkles away.
DLE 30 or 35RA Drill Guide
Never drill your props wrong again! This easy to use
propeller drill jig guide will allow you to quickly
drill props for your DLE 30 or 35RA
RCexl Mini Tachometer
The RCexl Mini Tach will allow you to monitor engine
RPM while conveniently mounted inside the airplane.
Vent Exit Dot
Clean up your fuel vent exit on the bottom of your
model with these clean looking vent exit dots. Ma-
chined from high quality aluminum these exit dots
are compatible with all fuel types.
30cc Laser 200 Custom Dash Panel
Dress up the cockpit of your 30cc Laser 200 with this 3
dimensional dash panel. Made from rigid plastic this
dash panel will provide the finishing touch to your 30cc
Laser 200
Rcexl Opto Gas Engine Kill Switch
This device allows you to safely and remotely kill your
electronic ignition equipped engine from your transmitter.
The kill switch is Fiber Optically coupled to isolate your
ignition system from your radio system with No Interfer-
ence. Easy Installation simply plugs into any spare chan-
nel in your receiver