Aeroworks 30cc Laser 200 Assembly Manual
1. Gather (6) 4-40 cowl mounting bolts and (6) #6
small rubber backed washers for cowl mounting.
2. Mount the cowl using the cowl mounting bolts
and rubber backed washers. The rubber backed
washers are to prevent the fiberglass cowl from
cracking and to prevent mounting bolts from
loosening from normal engine vibration.
5. Bending the top of the hairpin out at a 45 degree
angle will allow the pins to be installed and re-
moved easily.
3. Gather (2) 6-32 wing mounting bolts, (2) #6 rub-
ber backed washers and (4) hairpins for prepara-
tion of mounting the wings.
4. Slide the wing tube in the fuse wing tube sleeve.
Slide the wings on the wing tube and plug in the
aileron servo connectors. Slide the rubber
backed washers on the wing mounting bolts and
insert bolts through the fuse side and into the
wing root blind nuts. Tighten snugly but do not
over tighten and crack the fuse or wing root
6. Install hairpins into both front and rear
aluminum anti-rotation wing dowels to provide
additional security.
Bend at dotted