Ultra-compact digital audio mixer
28 Digital outputs.
AEQ CAPITOL includes 4 stereo balanced digital outputs available through a female DB15
connector identified as “
” configurable one by one as AES/EBU (by default) or
S/PDIF by configuring the corresponding jumpers.
Digital Outputs (SUB-D female, 15 pins):
Pin Signal Pin Signal
1 OUT1+ 9 OUT1-
2 GND 10 GND
3 OUT2+ 11 OUT2-
4 GND 12 GND
5 OUT3+ 13 OUT3-
6 GND 14 GND
7 OUT4+ 15 OUT4-
In order to make installation process easier, AEQ offers specific pre-fabricated cable kits for
AEQ CAPITOL audio input/output, both analog and digital, as well as studio headphones: FR
CAB INP, consisting in a male DB15 connector soldered to 4 balanced and shielded 6 meters
long paired cables with no connectors at the other end, for 4 inputs or outputs. For more
information please check chapter 2.2.6 of this manual.
AEQ can upon request provide fully finished cables and in special lengths. For more information
please refer to AEQ sales department or authorised distributors.
Digital input 4
Digital input 3
Digital input 2
Digital input 1
Jumpers J42, J47, J48,
Jumpers J25, J26, J30,
Jumpers J41, J43, J44,
Jumpers J23, J24, J27,
J50 and J55
J32 and J37
J46 and J51
J29 and J33
Position 1-2: AES/EBU
Position 2-3: S/PDIF