1.4 Installation Approvals
Emergency Lighting Installations
The panel must be installed and configured for operation in accordance with these instructions and the
applicable code of practice or national standard regulations for emergency lighting systems installation
appropriate to the country and location of the installation.
Wiring Regulations
The panel and system must be installed in accordance with these instructions and the applicable wiring codes
and regulations appropriate to the country and location of the installation.
Insulation coordination for equipment within low voltage systems:
The normal category for fire detection and fire alarm products (and associated equipment) is as permanently
connected equipment supplied from the building wiring (Overvoltage Category II). The equipment is not
classified as being an integral part of the building wiring (Overvoltage Category III).
In accordance with EN60950-1, the products are assessed to, and comply with, the requirements for
Overvoltage Category II devices for connection to the AC Mains supply.
This category is the normal category for this type of equipment and installation and the use of additional surge
protection devices (SPD) is not normally required.
- If the equipment is subjected to special requirements with regard to reliability and availability, or
- If the equipment is likely, when installed, to be subjected to transient over-voltages that exceed Category II,
Additional surge protection devices (SPD) shall be provided in the AC Mains Supply feed to the equipment to
limit any overvoltage transients to the levels of Category II.