Acromag, Inc. Tel: 248-295-0310
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To summarize, the bitstream in platform FLASH has been updated with the
new hardware containing the relocated DDR3 SDRAM and the updated
srec_bootloader program. The BPI FLASH contains the updated
lwip_echo_server_dual program. The srec_booltloader will load the
lwip_echo_server_dual into DDR3 SDRAM and execute it on power-up.
Both programs will report their progress by writing messages to the serial
port. To view the progress messages displayed on power-up, a separate PC
must be running a terminal emulator program such as hyper-terminal
connected to COMM3. The serial port parameters in the terminal emulator
should be configured for 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and no parity. A
USB cable must be connected from the XMC-V6 USB port to the USB port on
the separate PC. The following progress message will be displayed in the
terminal emulator when power is applied to the XMC-V6.
Since the lwip_echo_server_dual program is successfully executing out of
DDR3 SDRAM we have validated our change to the DDR3 SDRAM base