1 Introduction
Installation and Operation Manual
1-18 Functional
ACE-3105, ACE-3205 Ver. 5.2
ATM Layer Functionality
ACE-3105, ACE-3205 supports the following ATM layer features:
AAL5 VCL on DSL ports
Up to 128 VP and VC connections are supported with full UNI/NNI VP range
(0–255/4095) and VCI range (0–65535).
Quality of Service (QoS) for delay-sensitive applications –
The required QoS parameters can be defined according to application
Each VC or VP can be assigned to a service class
Egress traffic can be shaped as the application requires.
ATM Traffic Shaping
ACE-3105, ACE-3205 controls the ATM traffic transmitted to the public network
using a built-in shaper. Single or dual leaky bucket shaping applies on each VP/VC,
and a traffic descriptor is assigned to each VC/VP.
The traffic shaping improves ATM services by:
Providing improved service, since bursty traffic is smoothened
Enabling flexible and accurate traffic adaptation for the required service.
Shaping prevents network congestion and achieves increased network utilization.
Shaping is supported for all VCCs. The TD (traffic descriptor) that is assigned to a
VC sets both the connection priority (according to strict priority queues, see
) and the shaping parameters.
Each side of a VP/VC cross connection (XC) can be either shaped or unshaped
according to its traffic descriptor (TD). The shaping can be set to one of the
CBR shaped
CBR unshaped
VBR1 shaped
UBR+ shaped
UBR unshaped.
The shaping parameters are defined according to the following service categories:
CBR shaped – PCR and CDVT