6 Monitoring and Diagnostics
Installation and Operation Manual
Recovering ACE Units
ACE-3105, ACE-3205 Ver. 5.2
Traffic descriptor number[1 - 99999] ... (1)
Service category > (CBR)
Before changing the TD settings, please advise network planner/architecture, as
this might affect other services.
Bursty Traffic Coming from the Remote Device
There might be a situation in which the remote unit is receiving traffic on the
ATM user interface at a rate that is causing temporary burstiness, which cannot
be handled by the receiving unit’s ATM
PSN buffer.
In these cases, possible solutions include enabling policing on the remote ACE
unit in order to allow the ATM traffic to be policed before transmitting to the
To define a new Policing TD on the remote ACE:
Go to Configuration>Applications>ATM>Traffic descriptor (TD).
1. Traffic descriptor number[1 - 99999]
... (1)
2. Service category
> (CBR)
3. Mode
> (Policing)
Another solution would be enabling the shaping on the ATM device connected to
the remote ACE unit so that the bursty ATM traffic is shaped before being
transmitted to the ACE unit.
IMA Failure
Full or partial failure of the IMA group may be caused by the following events:
Physical failure of the E1/T1 links in the IMA group
Number of active links is below the minimal number configured
Large differential delay between links in the group
Problem in the IMA control protocol (ICP) between the two machines
Clocking problems.
To check the status of the IMA group:
Go to Monitoring>Applications>ATM>IMA>Group status.
NE state
> (Operational)
FE state
> (Operational)
If the group is not operational, continue below:
Physical Failure
To determine which links are enabled for the problematic IMA group:
Go to Configuration>Applications>ATM>IMA.
11. Links in group > (1)
Go to Monitoring>Physical layer>Port>E1.