6 Monitoring and Diagnostics
Installation and Operation Manual
Recovering ACE Units
ACE-3105, ACE-3205 Ver. 5.2
... (N)
RX congestion dropped ... (0)
Continue using the Rx congestion failure procedure.
Packet loss/Misorder
Check the Packet Loss Event counter to examine the amount and frequency of
the misordered packets. To do so, go to Monitoring>Applications>Multiservice
over PSN>PW>Statistics.
Packet loss event
... (0)
Continue using the Packet loss/Misorder failure procedure.
Packet Loss/Packets Mis-order
Packet loss/mis-order events are usually caused by the PSN network carrying the
PW packets. The most common causes are congestions, BW bottlenecks, and
poor queuing performance, etc.
The ACE unit can easily identify these impairments and some corrective measures
can be taken on the ACE unit to minimize or eliminate them.
To enable detecting packet loss and misorder:
Go to Configuration>Applications>Multiservice over PSN>PW>General
parameters and enable Sequence Number.
8. Sequence number > (Enable)
If Sequence Number is disabled, packet loss and misorder cannot be detected.
Packet Mis-ordering
To check for the amount and frequency of mis-ordered packets:
Go to Monitoring>Applications>Multiservice over PSN>PW>Statistics.
Press (N) to see more counters
Mis-order dropped packets ... (0)
Reordered packets ... (0)
Reordered packets are originally mis-ordered packets, which have been returned
to the correct order by the ACE device.
Mis-order dropped packets are packets, which could not be reordered by the ACE
To configure packet reordering:
Go to Configuration>Applications>Multiservice over PSN>General>ATM
Make sure to enable PW Reordering.