Pattern 0
Alarms 1 2 3 4 Aux
Pattern Details
Item Edit Exit
Indicates that pattern details to be
edited or viewed.
Button 3 Item
, Moves
to next line.
Button 5 Edit,
This will allow you to
edit the details of pattern 0.
Button 6 Exit,
Exits from editing
Pressing Button 5, to edit the pattern details will display the details associated with the pattern:-
For example, selecting – Edit to pattern 0 shown above, will display the details of pattern 0, for example:-
0 Delay 0
Pulse 0 On1 Off0
Pattern time Cont
Item Up Dwn Back
The pattern shown above will be active until reset.
Indicates which option will be
Button 3 Item
, Moves
to next option.
Button 4 Up
, Increments option being
pointed to.
Button 5 Dwn
, Decrements option being
pointed to.
Button 6 Exit,
Exits from editing pattern
the pattern details.
Please Note, A pattern with NetAdd 0, will cause the devices to ring locally on the panel.
This is the network address of the panel where the pattern will operate. Network addresses where
patterns can be sent to is 1 to 31. If a pattern is to ring locally on the panel, NetAdd is set to 0 – it
should also be set to address 0 if the panel has been given a network address other than 0.
If a pattern is to operate on another panel, NetAdd should be set to the address of the panel where
the pattern is to operate.
Only 1 network address can be assigned to a pattern. If a pattern is to ring on a number of panels,
then other patterns will have to be created, each of which contains a different network address of
where the pattern is to ring.
Is a delay before devices are activated – it can be set between 0 to 600Sec, default is 0Sec.
This is the length of time in seconds for which devices will be switched on and off as per the ON &
OFF settings. Pulse time is set in seconds from 0 to 3600 and then continuous. Default is not
pulsing and is set as 0.
If the pattern is to be pulsing, this is the pulse ON time in seconds. If the pattern is not to be
pulsing ON is set as 1 for default.
If the pattern is to be pulsing, this is the pulse OFF time in seconds. If the pattern is not to be
pulsing OFF is set as 0 for default.
Pattern Time:-
Is the overall duration of which the pattern will operate. It is set in seconds from 0 to 3600 and
then continuous. Default duration is continuous.