Table 3: Connection of the TF5x1-CMS
I/O bus
I/O interface for directly adding up to 10 terminal units
Terminal block
70 clamps for I/O, shield and power supply connection
Serial interface, 9-pin D-sub connector, female
Network interface
(type must be equal to the type of
the used processor module)
Ethernet RJ45
Ordering Data
Part No.
Scope of delivery
Product life cycle
1SAP 117 000 R0271 TF501-CMS, function module terminal base,
slots: 1 function module FM502-CMS,
1 processor module PM592-ETH,
1 communication module, Ethernet RJ45
1SAP 317 000 R0271 TF501-CMS-XC,
function module terminal base, slots: 1 function
module FM502-CMS, 1 processor module
PM592-ETH, 1 communication module,
Ethernet RJ45 connector, XC version
1SAP 117 200 R0271 TF521-CMS, function module terminal base,
slots: 1 function module FM502-CMS,
1 processor module PM592-ETH,
2 communication modules, Ethernet RJ45
1SAP 317 200 R0271 TF521-CMS-XC,
function module terminal base, slots: 1 function
module FM502-CMS, 1 processor module
PM592-ETH, 2 communication modules,
Ethernet RJ45 connector, XC version
*) For planning and commissioning of new installations use modules in Active
status only.
1.2 Processor Modules
The AC500 product family consists of the product groups:
● AC500 (standard):
AC500 standard PLCs offer a wide range of performance levels and scalability. The PLCs
are highly capable of communication and extension for flexible application.
● AC500-eCo:
AC500-eCo PLCs are cost-effective, high-performance compact PLCs that offer total inter-
operability with the core AC500 range and provide battery-free uninterrupted output. All I/O
modules can be freely connected in a simple, stable and reliable manner.
Device Specifications
Processor Modules
3ADR010121, 13, en_US