Alarms, Errors, and Other Events
Event messages are categorized into the following levels of severity:
(high severity events), shown next to a red box
, shown next to a yellow box
shown next to a blue box
Examples of event messages:
: Unclean shutdown
Degraded unit
Start and completion of rebuilding, verifying, initializing,
migrating, and so forth.
3DM can e-mail notifications of these events to one or more recipients. For
more information, see “Managing E-mail Event Notification” on page 77.
If your 3ware RAID controller is installed in a Windows system, the
WinAVAlarm alert utility can notify you of events immediately with an
audible alarm and a popup message. For details, see “Using the Alert Utility
Under Windows” on page 139.
A list of the possible error and other event messages is provided under “Error
and Notification Messages” on page 224.
To view alarms, errors and other events in 3DM
Monitor > Alarms
The Alarms page displays, listing all event notifications.
For details about a particular alarm, click it.
A Help window opens with additional information about the alarm.
To see an explanation of a specific item in 3DM
Click on the message you are interested in, on the 3DM Alarms page.
A help topic opens with additional information.
Using the Alert Utility Under Windows
An alert utility, WinAVAlarm, is automatically installed on Windows systems
when 3DM is installed. It can provide immediate notification of events,
through a popup message and an audible alert. By default it is set to notify you
whenever an error (high-severity event) occurs, through both a popup
message and an audible alert. You can configure the alert settings to specify
types of events you want to be notified of: Errors, Warnings, or Information.