Slice Seq will not work unless we choose a modulation signal to work with it.
Touch one of the three black boxes below the Slice Seq parameter to bring up
the Modulation Parameters screen.
Choose a value for Source. For demonstration purposes we suggest you
choose TRIG and touch the pad or push the Play button to trigger playback.
Press INFO until you see the Waveform screen. Trigger playback of this pad
by pressing the triangular Play button in the top right corner of the screen.
Each time you press play, the Trig modulation will select a different slice to
play at random. You will see the waveform display jump around to show which
slice is being played.
Connect a CV signal to EXT 1.
Set Modulation source for Slice Seq to EXT 1 and set Slice Seq to Forward.
Now, when bitbox mk2 receives a CV pulse on EXT1, the current slice
position will advance to the next slice. Press Play or use any of the other
ways to trigger a pad repeatedly and you should hear the slices advance with
each CV pulse. If you are using a CV input as the Slice Seq modulation
source (IN1, IN2 or EXT 1 through 8), the position of the slice selector cursor
may change several times before the note is triggered again, or it might not
change at all. It depends on the frequency of the note trigger compared to the
frequency of the CV input.
You can change the value of Slice Seq to change the way the modulation pulse moves
the slice selection. You can use other modulation sources to experiment with other ways
to advance the slice selection. You can use Toggle or Gate for Launch Mode to get
additional effects. Looping can also be used in combination with slicing in these other
Launch Modes.
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Bitbox MK2 1.0.8 User Manual