You can also use multi-sampling to map multiple waves across the keyboard. This can
be useful if you have a folder full of drum sounds that you want to trigger with a
keyboard. If you follow the steps above and load a folder where the files do not have
root note mappings, it will load the files in alphabetical order, map the first file to note
C2, and then each subsequent file to the next note above that. If you load the folder
\Soundopolis\Sci Fi, you can see this in action. This folder has 16 samples which get
mapped to notes C2 through D#4.
You can use bitbox mk2 to map the files to specific notes if you want. Open the files as
individual samples on bitbox mk2 and edit the Root Note on the Misc tab of the
Parameters screen. Save the WAV file with the root note information. (See
below to learn how to do this.) After you have done this
for all of the files in the folder, use File-> Load All to load them all into a pad and you will
hear that the notes are mapped accordingly.
Because a multi-sample pad uses multiple samples, it is not possible to set start, length,
loop start or loop end points for these pads. Therefore, it doesn’t make sense to enable
looping for these pads either. As a result, the Pos and Misc tabs of the parameter page
are not used when multiple samples are loaded in a pad. Only the standard Main, ADSR
and MIDI parameter tabs are supported for Multi-samples.
► Multi-sampling can quickly use a lot of samples. In order to prevent potential
issues, bitbox mk2 limits you to loading 80 wav files at a time. If you hit that limit,
it won’t load any more wav files until you free up some slots by clearing out a
pad. There is also a limit of 64 WAV files per pad.
► If you change the pad mode of a multi-sample pad to something other than
Sample, it will load only the first sample in the folder and work with that. You will
need to reload the files to change back to multi-sample mode.
► Anytime you use File -> Load All to load a directory of samples into a pad the
pad mode will automatically be changed to Sample.
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Bitbox MK2 1.0.8 User Manual