► A microSD card must be inserted into bitbox mk2 before you can get started. All
presets are stored on the microSD card.
► Preset changes are only saved when you choose to save them.
modules do contain some buffering to prevent burning
out the module but that only
buffers for so long. Don’t power up yet.
Next make sure the microSD card that came with the
module is inserted into the MICRO SD slot. Most
modules come with the microSD card already inserted.
The card should be inserted with the straight edge
closest to the touchscreen. Bitbox mk2 has been tested
with microSD cards that hold up to 256 GB of data, but
theoretically can support even larger cards. Now you can
power up the rack. The module should start up in less
than 10 seconds and you will see the Pads screen as
shown on the right.
Pads Screen
Connect an Output
In order to hear the sounds that are playing on your bitbox mk2, you will need to
connect the outputs to some speakers. Start by inserting two mini TS cables to the
OUT1 and OUT2 jacks and then connecting the other ends to your mixer or speakers.
Connect an Input
Bitbox mk2 accepts several different forms of input. For now we will set up some basic
inputs to get you started. If you are going to use a MIDI device to drive your bitbox mk2,
connect it to the MIDI input on the bitbox.
► The Bitbox mk2 MIDI input is compatible with both Type A and Type B mini
TRS connections. For information about MIDI adapters and compatibility see
our knowledge base article at
► Use the provided mini TRS to MIDI 5 Pin DIN adapter to connect to a standard
MIDI cable.
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Bitbox MK2 1.0.8 User Manual