Software User’s Manual Ver.A1D-502-V8.03.30-NB
If the exposure time extends beyond the interval between frames (too slow
shutter), (i.e. 1/30 second), then the frame rate will be automatically reduced.
Longer time in this value gives clearer images at night for slow moving
objects, but more motion blur for fast moving objects.
Exposure Mode - Manual
When the lighting conditions are stable 24 hours a day, the advanced users may
consider using manual exposure mode, to further fine tune the image quality in order
to fulfill the special project requirements. Please note that in most cases, it is highly
recommended to keep the camera in Auto Exposure mode and let the intelligent
system of the camera find the best possible exposure settings instead.
In manual exposure mode, the user can directly manually adjust the signal
Exposure Gain, Shutter Speed, and even on select models, the IRIS Control
(I-series zoom cameras only).
Day/Night mode and WDR function are disabled in manual exposure mode
5-6-5 Video
on page 67).
After changing any of the items above, press Apply to save the changes. The
Reset button undoes the changes that had just been made but not applied yet.