Software User’s Manual Ver.A1D-502-V8.03.30-NB
Trigger interval
Trigger interval is the time period from the beginning of the triggered event during
which all motion activities are ignored by the camera. This is designed to avoid
needless repetitive reporting of the same intrusion. Trigger interval 20 seconds would
mean that when the even happens, camera will take certain one-time actions and
ignore the continuing activity in the motion detection region for 20 seconds. When
20 seconds are over, the camera will produce a new alarm if there are still action in
the motion detection region, and take actions again.
There is one more item on the Motion Detection configuration page which was not
explained above
the Profile of Motion Detection. Think of them as Profile 1
(Runtime MD Profile) and Profile 2 (Event MD Profile). It means that you can
configure two independent groups of Motion Detection regions with at most 10
regions in each group. Normally, the Profile 1 (Runtime MD Profile) is used as an
active profile of the camera. However, in some cases it is possible to let the camera
switch to Profile 2 by using the Event Handler system of the camera.
For example, you might want to have different motion detection parameters for day
and night time. Then the two profiles become really handy. In such case, remember
to configure the motion detection parameters for both profiles before moving on to
configure the event response system.
After changing any of the items above, press Apply to save the changes. The Reset
button undoes the changes that had just been made but not applied yet.
For PTZ / Speed dome cameras, it is recommended to turn off motion
detection when scan and tour modes are enabled to avoid false motion alarm.