Smart Connect
Single Loop Touch Screen Panel
Doc: GLT-229-7-1
Issue: 3
Date: 12/05/2017
The Smart Connect panel has a day night timer that allows certain system responses to be altered at certain times of the day. It
allows for different delays for the day and night times, and it also allows the sensitivity of certain detectors to be set differently for
the day and night.
The default state of the panel is with no day/night settings programmed. It will use the “night time” delays, and the night time
detector sensitivity settings.
8.3.1 Defining Day and Night times
To allow for maximum flexibility, the panel allows for more than one Day-time period each day. For example, if a site closes for a 2
hour break, the panel could be configured with 2 day-time periods eg 8:00 – 12:00 and 14:00 – 18:00.
Because of this, the panel refers to each setting as a day-time slice.
Enter the engineer menu
Select the Day/Night Menu
The panel shows that there are no daytime slices set.
Press the add icon
to add a slice.
Select the day of the week, the start of the day slice, the end of
the day slice and the operation mode:
Operation Mode:
MCP & Heat
MCP & Heat & Opto (Low)
MCP & Heat & Opto (Normal)
MCP & Heat & Opto (High)
Per Device Set Up
Press tick
to accept.
The screen shows the programmed day slice(s).
Press the add icon
to add a slice, or press exit icon
if all slices are entered.