Smart Connect
Single Loop Touch Screen Panel
Doc: GLT-229-7-1
Issue: 3
Date: 12/05/2017
During Normal operation the panel will be in one of the following states depending on the status of the devices connected to the
panel, and user intervention. Below is a summary of the different conditions
3.6.1 The Quiescent Condition
This is the panel’s normal state. There are no faults or alarms,
and the panel is running normally. This is indicated by The LCD
showing System Normal, and All LEDS being off, apart from
Power, and perhaps Controls Active (depending on the last user
In the quiescent condition, the panel displays:-
System Healthy.
Zeta Logo
3.6.2 The Alarm Condition
A fire is indicated on the Smart Connect panel by:-
COMMON FIRE RED LED & Zone alarm LED (for zones 1 to 16)
On the screen, the panel shows:-
Fire Icon
Number of zones in alarm
Number of devices in alarm
First & last zones in alarm
Details of alarms in chronological order (showing device type,
Zone number & label, Device address & label)
Scroll arrows for displaying further events
3.6.3 The Fault Condition
All faults are indicated by a flashing yellow common fault LED,
and either an additional fault LED, or an LCD message.
Faults can be divided into 2 types, “Device Faults” and “General
Faults”. Device Faults are any fault associated with a particular
device address on the loop. They usually report Address & zone
information as well as a description of the fault.
General Faults are everything else, e.g. sounder circuits, power
supply, earth faults etc. Any fault on the panel will flash the
common fault LED in addition to displaying details of the fault.