Smart Connect
Single Loop Touch Screen Panel
Doc: GLT-229-7-1
Issue: 3
Date: 12/05/2017
ZAI - MI Input Module
The end of line resistor value is 20KΩ and the trigger resistor value is 1kΩ.
6.3.4 ZAIO
MI Input/output Module
The end of line resistor value is 20KΩ and the trigger resistor value is 1KΩ.
6.3.5 ZASC
MI Sounder Control Module
The ZASC requires an external 24vdc power supply (as shown in the above diagram). The EOL for the sounder circuit is 4K7 Ω. When
using the ZASC make sure the PSU being used has a fault output relay, so that in the event of a power supply fault it is reported to
the control panel.
Note: All Power Supplies used on fire alarm systems MUST comply with EN54 part 4