Smart Connect
Single Loop Touch Screen Panel
Doc: GLT-229-7-1
Issue: 3
Date: 12/05/2017
The Smart Connect has one addressable loop. Addressable detectors, addressable call points, addressable loop powered sounders
and several other interface units can be fitted to this loop. A MAXIMUM OF 254 ADDRESSES CAN BE CONNECTED TO the LOOP. We
recommend that the first and last devices on a loop have isolator bases fitted. Also the last device on each zone should have an
isolator fitted. This is to prevent a short circuit fault in one zone affecting another zone. The screen cable at each end of the loop
(not shown below) must be connected to the Panel`s earth bar.
Figure 5: Example of addressable loop wiring (top) & connections to loop cards (bottom)
6.2 ADDRESSABLE LOOPS (Pre commissioning check)
At this stage it is important to remember devices (e.g. detectors, call points, sounders etc.) should not be connected yet, if a high
voltage “Megger” type tester is to be used to check for continuity of the loop wiring.
Pre-Commissioning Cable Checks
+ve in to +ve out less than 22 ohms.
-ve in to -ve out less than 22 ohms (may need to temporarily disable isolators to measure).
+ve to –ve greater than 500k ohm.
+ve to Earth greater than 1M ohm.
-ve to Earth greater than 1M ohm.
+ve to –ve less than 50 mV pickup (on AC & DC scales).
+ve to –ve Capacitance Less than 0.5µF.
+ve to Earth Capacitance Less than 0.5µF.
-ve to Earth Capacitance Less than 0.5µF