Smart Connect
Single Loop Touch Screen Panel
Doc: GLT-229-7-1
Issue: 3
Date: 12/05/2017
The Smart Connect panel has 2 menus, user and installer. Entering the
user code (Default 0001) accesses the user menu. Entering the Installer
password (Default 9999) enables access level 3. Press the access menu
to access the Engineer menu
The menus are in the form of icons with a text label underneath. To
select a particular menu, press the relevant icon.
The sub screens are in the form of tabbed screens if there is more than
one sub - option, with the data either displayed in a table, or as
separate data fields, depending on the function of the sub screen
Table view screen Example
In a table field, there are editable data (eg device label), and non-
editable data (eg Device type). Tapping on an editable data field will
allow it to be edited.
Data Field Screen Example
In a data field screen, the data will either be values, or option buttons.
Clicking on the field will allow it to be edited.
Text Keyboard
Used to enter text. Use <- and -> to position the keyboard. Press the
circle at the end of the text field to delete text as required. 123 button
brings up the numeric keyboard. And CAP turns on the caps lock.
Press tick when finished.
Number Keyboard.
Use the up & down Icons to increase or decrease the number, or enter
the new number via the keypad.