Smart Connect
Single Loop Touch Screen Panel
Doc: GLT-229-7-1
Issue: 3
Date: 12/05/2017
The Smart Connect system has very comprehensive, but simple to use Cause and Effect capabilities.
The Default factory configuration is that any alarm will activate all outputs on the panel.
Like most addressable systems, the panel allows comprehensive programming of the sounder outputs. It is the responsibility of the
commissioning engineer to verify that the programmed panel actions operate the sounders as required.
Any input (or cause) can generate any output (or effect). For example, if the input is a fire in zone 1 (e.g. an optical detector
triggered by smoke), the system can be programmed to generate output(s) (e.g. operate one or more sounders or relay outputs in
one or more zones).
The inputs and outputs can be selected from 4 categories – Point, Local I/O, Zone & Panel.
Example of Selecting a Cause & Effect (New Action)
Press Cause/ Effect icon.
The panel shows the default common alarm setting
If this is not required, tap the action so that it is highlighted
yellow, then press the trash Icon to delete
Press the add button to add an event
The panel displays the Select cause Screen, Choose the cause
type (Point, Local I/O, zone or Panel). Depending on the input
type chosen, the panel will display a list of sub options. For a
point alarm the options are:-
Point causes
Detector Alarm
MCP Alarm
Loop Number
Point Address