Smart Connect
Single Loop Touch Screen Panel
Doc: GLT-229-7-1
Issue: 3
Date: 12/05/2017
3.6.5 Test Mode
In this example, one Zone 2 is in test mode. A number of zones
can be put into test at the same time if required. The test can
be silent, or with sounders. If the sounder option is chosen, only
sounders within the same zone as the test device are operated.
As devices are tested, the screen changes to show the recent
tests. Use the arrow to scroll to view older tests if required.
3.6.6 Multiple Conditions
In the event of multiple conditions, the panel will display the
highest priority event. It will display the presence of suppressed
events as icons on the top right of the screen. The number of
events for each category is shown on the icon. To display any of
the supressed events, press the icon of that event.