b. Tack one pin down with solder while you hold the header in from the top (42,43). Once
each row has been tacked on, you can solder the other pins in place (44a,44b).
c. Now install the MIDI IN header. This header allows the Quaverato to connect to an
aftermarket MIDI input board (available from Zeppelin Design Labs starting in late 2018).
This MIDI input board will allow you to control many different parameters of your Quaverato
via an external MIDI controller. Install the 4 pin header piece in the MIDI IN location in the
same manner as the ISP header: hold one pin in from the top as you tack it in from the solder
side; then finish soldering it in (45a,45b). (NOTE: These pictures are of the actual
production board, whereas the other pictures in this manual are of a pre-production board in
which this header is not shown. “Figure 4: Component Values and Locations” on page 11
shows the correct layout of the board you have.)