3. Capacitors: There are three types of capacitors in the kit: ceramic (25), film (26) and electrolytic
(27). We will place them in the PCB one type at a time, and then solder them in groups.
a. Ceramic Caps: These caps look like little yellow blobs with two protruding leads. The
Quaverato uses two values of ceramic caps: 100nF and 22pF. The only noticeable
difference between these capacitors is the tiny label printed on their yellow bodies. The
100nF caps are labeled “104” and 22pF caps are labeled “22”. Please make sure that you
use the correct value in the correct location. Ceramic capacitors are not polarized. It doesn’t
matter which lead goes into which hole.
i. There are two 22pF ceramic capacitors (C5, C6), marked “22”. Install the 22pF
capacitors at C5 and C6 on the PCB and bend the leads out on the back (28,29).
ii. There are eight 100nF (=0.1uF) ceramic capacitors (C7-C13, C16). Place all the 100nF
capacitors in their respective places on the PCB and bend the leads out on the back.
Make sure you don’t accidentally put one of these 100nF ceramic caps in C1, which is
reserved for a .1uF film capacitor.