XTBA DALI Watch Manual Page
Product # - 03/2013
© XTBA 1986 – 2013
Command Compare:
This function allows a command with either a short address, group or
broadcast to be set up or high commands with or without data in the second
byte. The XTBA DALI Watch will then wait for reception of this exact
command and let you know it has been received.
So if you are wondering why your system does not respond to a particular
command you can find out if it has ever been sent. Or for commands that
need to be received twice to activate a fixture (Commands 32-128, Initialise,
randomise) you can see if they were sent twice, or you could use Command
Pressing the Yes button from Command Compare the display will change to:
C 0 M P A R E
S . A D D
y e s
t o
e n t e r
o r
m e n u
Pressing the Menu button again will loop through the short address (S.ADD)
Group or broadcast (B.CAST). In this way any command can be set up to be
Pressing Yes will take you into the compare display.
> O F F
A D D R E S S 0
Pressing the Menu button will toggle the left side arrow > to the upper or lower
line. With the arrow in the upper line pressing the Up/Down buttons will
change the command to be compared. With the arrow on the lower line the
address or group
(if set on entry) can be altered.
If the command has no address, group or broadcast e.g. high commands the
display will change. If the command has a value e.g. load DTR then the
display will change and the lower line is then used to set a value.
Pressing the Yes button will take you into the compare display as follows:
> O F F
A D D R E S S 0 1 :
1 4 3
= 1 command found equal to OFF at address 0 in 143 commands
The figure on the left of the semi colon is the number of equal commands
received. The right hand figure is the number of commands received the
range of both is 0 to 255.