XTBA DALI Watch Manual Page
Product # - 03/2013
© XTBA 1986 – 2013
Pressing the Menu button will move the arrow to the lower left. This allows the
Up/Down buttons to control the address or group. (If in broadcast the address
will be ALL so the arrow will move directly to the level setting). Pressing the
Menu button again will move the arrow next to the @. The Up/Down buttons
can now be used to set the level to be sent.
Once you have set up the command, address and level press the Yes button
and the command will be sent. The display will show ‘CONFIGURATION
SENT’ before returning back to the quick set up display.
Advanced Set Up
Advanced Set Up lets you control the DALI installation directly. All commands
are available but you will need a working knowledge of DALI to get the most
out of Advanced Set Up. To help the Watch will send all double commands
automatically (see below). Pressing the Up/Down buttons together will jump to
command 257 Load Value to the DTR. Remember to Initialise if using
commands 259 to 270!
Pressing the Yes button the display will change to:
y E s t o e n t e r
o r m E n u
Pressing the Menu button again will loop through short address (S.ADD)
Group or broadcast (B.CAST). This allows all types of set up. If broadcast is
selected the Watch will display ? SET UP ALL DEVICES? To warn you that
you are about to globally change all connected devices.
Pressing Yes will take you into the advanced set up display
> O F F
A D D R E S S 0
= Command 0 (OFF) at short address 0
With the arrow > on the upper line the command list can be scrolled through
using the Up/Down buttons. Pressing the Menu button will move the arrow to
the lower left. The Up/Down buttons can now be used to alter the address or
group to be sent to or in the case of some high commands alter the value or
The DALI commands have different possible functions. Commands 0 to 128
simply use the address and do not expect and answer. The other low
commands use the address/group/broadcast but can ask for status, group.
Yes/No answers, value or level. All the ‘reserved’ commands and the
‘application extended commands’ are missed out.
As the command list is scrolled through the display will show which type of
command and the expected answer (if there is one) for example: