XTBA DALI Watch Manual Page
Product # - 03/2013
© XTBA 1986 – 2013
Once all connected devices have had their short address set the display will
change to:
1 0 F O U N D
f u n c t i o n t o e x i t
In this case 10 devices have been discovered and programed successfully.
Pressing the Function will escape back to the main menu loop and terminate
the discovery process.
Use of address zero
In order display the fixture that you are about to program, the XTBA DALI
Watch temporarily uses address zero to light up the fixture before you assign
it to its new address. If when programming you set an address to zero it will
be lit along with the next discovered address, which might get confusing.
To get around this when a fixtures appears that needs to set to address zero
simply press the Menu button. That fixture will be turned off and removed from
the discovery process. Once all other addresses have been set (address 1
through 63) run Discover New. The remaining fixtures will be discovered and
as they are the only ones remaining can all be programmed to zero.
Discover/Program New
If new fixtures are added to an existing system their short address can be
assigned without the need to go through the entire discovery process.
Pressing Yes when the Discover/Program New is displayed will enter new
device search. If new devices are found the Watch will switch into program
mode (as in Discover/Program All) and the new devices short address can be
Existing programed devices will be ignored except the USED display will still
show if the short address is already in use.
The Discover/Program New looks for devices without a short address. So if
the new fixture added already has a short address the display will show NO
DEVICES FOUND. In this case you will need to use remove the short address
to clear that address and then run Discover/Program New again or use the
Note: Discover New does not automatically set the fixtures defaults (unlike
discover all) so following discovery you will need to use Quick Set Up to load
the default values.
Patch Devices
This function allows the short address to be altered once set. The Watch will
tell you which fixtures are in use and which short address is free. Pressing
Yes with the Patch Devices displayed the display will change to:
> F I X T U R E
@ 1 A C T I V E
S . A D D