XTBA DALI Watch Manual Page
Product # - 03/2013
© XTBA 1986 – 2013
Receive Menu Loop
Receive Levels
View Commands Live
View Command History
Raw Data
Command Compare
Receive Group Levels
Flicker Finder
Receive Levels:
Pressing the Yes button will enter the receive function. This
allows you to view any DALI levels (arc power commands). Group level
commands are ignored as they have their own menu below. If there is no
DALI being received the Watch will let you know with the message ‘NO DALI
C H : 1 2 3
R X % 0 0 0
The upper line shows the channel number and the lower the level received.
Next to the RX is a % symbol if the unit is set for percent or D if set for
decimal (see user options). The RX tells you that you are in receive as the
transmission display looks the same but with a TX.
Use the Left and Right buttons to scroll through the DALI channels.
View Commands Live:
(see user options for arc power / level blocking and
repeat command blocking)
The unit will monitor the data line and will display commands received. If level
blocking is enabled only non-level commands will be received. The XTBA
DALI Watch will only display new commands so if a single command is sent
again it will be ignored after the first time unless repeat command blocking is
turned off.
Pressing the Yes button with the View Commands Live menu displayed the
display might look like this once a command has been received.
Command Number
address, group or broadcast
N o 0 @ S . A D D 0
Command Description
On entry any existing command history will be cleared. The top line tells you
the command number and if it is a short address, group or broadcast. If it
receives a group command the top right will change to GROUP with the group
value and if broadcast the top right will change to ALL.
With commands that do not have a short address/group or/broadcast e.g.
some high commands such as Terminate the top right will be blank.
The second line gives the command description. The display will update as
any new commands are received.
View Command History:
Command history will allow you to view the last 250
command pairs received. It can be used in two ways. When in ‘View
Commands Live’ pressing the Menu button will enter the history display.