XTBA DALI Watch Manual Page
Product # - 03/2013
© XTBA 1986 – 2013
The top line displays the fixture to be changed. The lower line displays which
short address it is to be changed to.
In this case the fixture with short address 1 is to be changed to short address
The right side of the display shows if the device you are attempting to patch is
Active (e.g. connected) the lower line shows if the short address you are
going to change it to is in use. The right hand side of the display will be blank
if the fixture is not active or the address is not in use.
Pressing the Menu button will toggle the left hand side arrow to the top/bottom
line of the display. With the line on the top or bottom of the display the short
address can be altered by use of the Up/Down buttons.
With the arrow on the lower line pressing the Yes button will send the patch
change to the addressed device and SENT will appear in the lower right of the
Any active fixture will be lit to the ‘display find’ value (set in user options) when
the arrow > is toggled. On the upper line the address of the fixture to be
changed will be lit and when the arrow moves to the lower line the address to
be change to will be lit – if connected.
Remove Short Address
If there are two fixtures on an address that need to be on different addresses
this function allows the address to be removed, as there is no other way to
separate the fixtures. Following the addresses removal Discover New can be
run and the discovered devices (now with no address) programed. Pressing
the Yes button the display will change to.
S . A D D
u p / d o w n ,
y e s
t o s e n d
Using the Up/Down buttons the short address to be removed can be altered.
The fixture at that address will be lit to the ‘display find’ value (set in user
options). Pressing the Yes button will send out the command and the display
will show ‘Configuration Sent’. Once removed the fixture will be reset to its
internal default settings.
Set Up Scenes
This function allows scenes to be programed quickly. Pressing the Yes button
the display will change to:
> S E T
S C E N E 1
0 %
With the arrow on the upper line the Up/Down buttons can be used to alter the
scene number (0 to 15). Pressing the Menu button will move the arrow to the
lower line. The Up/Down buttons can now be used to set the scenes level.