For the electrician
3.2 Installing function modules (MES INFINITY control
The function modules (MES INFINITY control system) can:
– Be installed on a wall (Fig. 89) – Section 3.2.1 or
– Be installed on the control panel in the boiler (Fig. 90) – Section 3.2.2.
3-pole LON cable
is used to connect the function modules (MES INFINITY control system) to the boiler. The +12 V
contact does
not need to be connected or attached
. as the boiler and also the function module both have their own
+12 V power supply.
The LON connection and the connections for the safety components are located on the control panel cover (screwless
spring-type terminals). Fine-wire PVC sheathed cables should be used for these connections – Fig. 88. Fig. 90.
The electrical connections are established on site in line with Section 4.10.
The installation procedure for the sensors and actuators is described in the function modules (MES INFINITY control
system) instructions. Please also pay close attention to these instructions.
The resistor for the LON connection and the bridges for the safety components must
only be removed when a connection has been established – Fig. 88. Fig. 90.
Be sure to note the separate wiring of the extra-low voltage line (0–12 V DC) and
low-voltage line (230 V AC)! Route cables in the cable channels available – Fig. 87.
Fasten all cables to the perforated lug with cable ties to relieve the strain – Fig. 91.
Fig. 88 Connection terminals for the safety components
and LON connection for the function modules
(MES INFINITY control system)
Terminal blocks
for safety compo-
Fig. 89 Function modules (MES INFINITY control
system) installed on the wall
Fig. 90 Function module (MES INFINITY control system)
installed on the control panel in the boiler
3-pole LON
3-pole LON
Terminal blocks
for safety com-
230 V AC
230 V AC
110 V AC
Fig. 91 Securing the cable with cable ties to relieve strain
Lug for fas-
tening the
cables with
cable ties
Remove with LON bus connection